BIM ViewerΒΆ

The BIMViewer is an online viewer for BIM and 3D models. It runs directly inside the web browser using the WebGL technolgy.
It provides beside the basic navigation functions the following features:
- Show the property sets of selected objects
- Interactive Quantity take-off of selected elements
- Edit the value of exisiting properties
- Change the IFC classes of objects
- Change the defaul color of objects
- Add new property set based on the IFC satndard property sets and user-defined templates
- 4D animation of construction progress (if the IFC model contains this information)
- Assign default colors based on different classification systems
- Visialize multiable IFC models in the same view
- Copmare and visialize the differences between 2 IFC model an
- Create and easy share of model views
- Filtering the models by:
- Model structure
- IFC classes
- Object types
- Object materials
- Layers
- Systems